The Worst Things About My Ford Maverick Hybrid After 1,000 Miles

Edward Elon


Welcome to the inside of my 2024 Ford Maverick Lariat hybrid I've owned this truck now for about a month and I've just crossed over 1,000 miles on my last drive here today and so now I want to tell you the great things I've learned about owning this truck over the last month the things that are not so great and the first few modifications I've made so far I'll end the video with the one modification that doesn't even exist 

 For the Maverick that I wish existed we'll start with the good and get to the bad number one mileage is even better than I thought overall I figured if I drove pretty poorly I'd get about 35 m per gallon and so far I've averaged 44 miles per gallon for the first th000 miles of this truck which is just ridiculous almost 30% of my mileage has been all electric so far so that explains the awesome mileage number two which is surprising I don't miss the 

 Height of my F-150 this truck is a lot lower on the road than my F-150 was but I don't feel like I can't see or I feel like I need to be up higher and see over people I've had no problem whatsoever driving this truck number three probably my favorite one this thing handles so much better than any other truck I've ever driven partially because there's less weight here and partially because the weight that is here is pretty low to the ground and so this thing just 

 Handles I can whip around a corner quickly and not have any hesitation whatsoever it feels good it feels natural it feels like I'm still within the boundaries of what's safe for the truck it's pretty fun number four all the plugs are awesome I've got a plugin here for my phone which works with apple carplay that's pretty normal but I've also got all these plugs back here which are incredible for charging my laptop or any other device that I have because I 

 Make these videos for you I have a lot of stuff to charge I've got microphones and other stuff that's always on me that's always dying in terms of batteries so to have this option to always have something able to be charged no matter where I am I absolutely love that number five it's incredibly quiet compared to my F-150 and part of that because I'm in electric mode so often there's literally not an internal combustion engine running but even the 

 Rest of the time the truck is just whisper quiet and as a person who likes cars and likes even loud cars it's kind of funny to count that as a positive thing because you think like ah well you want to hear the road or you want to hear the engine right man not in something like this this engine is not something that's special like a Supercharged V8 or a high revving four-cylinder even it's just a very basic granular little four-cylinder so 

 I'd rather it be quiet and it's really really nice number six the exterior color is growing on me at first I had a little bit of hesitation but I like it more and more if anything this time of day kind of at Sunset it just looks like white but in the right light it is kind of a light brown and it's doing its job so far of hiding the dirt which is why I chose terrain and number seven it's not really unique to the Maverick but apple carplay is so awesome all the features 

 That I would want from my iPhone just transfer right over I listen to audiobooks I use maps everything is so Fant fantastically integrated I absolutely love it if anything that's the biggest Step Up in luxury from my F-150 besides getting great gas mileage is just the integration of having Apple carplay so I didn't need to get a luxury package to get that number one big step up if you're in the market for a Maverick I don't think you need to get 

 The lariat to get nice enough stuff I think an XLT or even an XL would be pretty great but on to the not so good stuff number one it's really small in all the areas that aren't passenger areas so if you're like one of the four full- grown adults that are sitting here in a seat made for you it's totally fine there's plenty of room I've got the leg room I want head room everything else is totally great the problem is all the other little ancillary areas under the 

 Seat in a foot well between the seats things like that it just gets difficult to cram stuff in there and so that's one area that I noticed this is a lot smaller than my F-150 number two I just haven't even dreamt about using the bed Outlet I thought that I'd be using that thing all the time I haven't even come close to a scenario where I'm like you know what I need to do charge something outside maybe I'll use it someday I thought it would be really cool thus far 

 I've had no use for it but we'll see number three car seats don't fit as well as I'd hoped it is pretty darn tight in there and granted my kids are tall like I am I'm 6'5 so they're in like the 99th percentile they got long legs but still it's a pain to get them in here it's a pain to get the kids in here and generally they don't fit quite as well as I thought that they might and so that's a little bit of a downside but hey it's a small truck what do you 

 Expect man and finally the last gripe which is totally minor I wish that it had some kind of memory seat saving setting over here because when my wife and I get in and we we transfer back and forth between who's driving I really wish that I could save her settings just because I finally get the seat and the steering wheel and everything exactly where I want it and then she gets in and she's much shorter than I am and so I'm like D I got to find all those things 

 Again granted there's not that much readjusting to do but it would still be nice this is like the highest trim level truck that you can get in terms of a Maverick so I wish it had that but it's not a huge deal on to the modifications I've made the first one I have right now that you can probably see a little corner of are these old seat covers that I had in my F-150 that I've draped over these seats just as a placeholder before I get my new seat covers I ordered some 

 From this company called tiger tough they're supposed to be really really tough seat covers and I've loved having seat covers on my F-150 just cuz it preserves everything so well if you spill something it's not a big deal like it's just a no-brainer for me to get seat covers these really don't fit very well but for now they're hanging on there and I'll make an update video whenever I do get those new seat covers in from Tiger tff because I think 

 They're going to be pretty awesome the next modification is by far my favorite and that's just these rubberized floor liners it just means that I don't care care if something gets spilled you could spill like an entire cup of water or milk or whatever in here and it's just going to catch it and contain it and these aren't like a name brand they're not WeatherTech or Ford or whatever these are some that I just got off Amazon and I'll put the link in the 

 Description in case you want to find them for yourself I'm really happy so far they feel like pretty tough material we compared the thickness of my dad's floor mats to mine cuz he's got a similar kind of design but they're the Ford product themselves like an official Ford accessory for Maverick they feel like a similar thickness level the fit and finish is really good I have no complaints and these are way cheaper than the WeatherTech ones then 

 Separately from these seat covers I ordered a rear seat cover also off Amazon and I'll link that for you this thing feels incredibly tough like that is really thick material and it goes all the way from the bottom of the seat and wraps around to the top of the seat back and for me this was just a catchall so whenever the kids are back there and they're throwing food or something happens it doesn't mess up the seats but I found that it's actually really nice 

 To have just in general too because then I can throw a tripod on there or put anything else down on the seat and not worry if I'm going to scratch the leather or hurt anything and so bang for the buck wise I think that's the best modification I've made so far that seat cover was cheap I don't remember how much but it was like under 50 bucks I think there's a couple more modifications that I plan to do that I haven't done yet number one is just 

 Having some kind of like a tray insert for the center console here because it's just one giant column of space and that means that once you start to put stuff in here it just kind of piles up and it means that you can't find everything you've got to dig through it so my dad and I have been kind of testing out a couple different tray inserts because he's also got a Maverick he found one as two levels that gives you more options I found one it was just a single level 

 That I think would work best for me but that's definitely coming in the future because that just keeps you organized with all your stuff that you have here in the center console the next modification I don't have yet that I've got to get at some point is a bed cover part of my hesitancy with getting a bed cover is you pay the same money for a tiny Maverick bed cover as you do for a giant F-150 bed cover how are these bed cover companies making so much money off 

 Of us it's crazy the square footage is way less on this thing and they're still like 1,100 bucks for a really sturdy like rolling one so I'm a little undecided there leave me a comment if you have any opinions about a bed cover that you've experienced in the past what do you think about the soft fabric ones we've got an electrician that works with us at work and he's got a soft fabric one on the back of his Tundra and he's like on job sites all day long and he's 

 Got no complaints for the thing so I was leaning towards that if anything just to save some money cuz they're like 400 Bucks versus the, 1200 bucks for the hard folding ones or for the hard rolling ones so let me know if you've had a good experience or bad experience with any of those and you have any recommendations for me I'll definitely take that to heart and see what happens back there in that bed cuz God I just I know I need one just don't want to spend 

 The money finally the modification that I wish existed for the Maverick that doesn't is some kind of lockable door for that side bed storage compartment I want that to be metal lockable with a key or a combination and then I can actually put stuff back there that I want to leave in store in the bed but nobody makes that so in theory I'm tempted to make one and try and like get them produced but that's just not really in the cards for my life right now but 

 If anybody else has a bead on that if somebody has made one or you know someone who's made one I think that would be really really sweet to have that for the bed overall the first Thousand Miles with this truck have been totally fantastic I haven't missed the size of my F-150 I've only just carried something in the bed for the first time today so that tells you how little I actually utilize the truck bed because by and large I put everything I need 

 Inside the truck especially in the Arizona summertime there's really no reason to have anything in the back that you wouldn't put up here because it's just going to get roasted by our 110 degree temperatures and so for me as a commuter vehicle and a light duty truck it has totally served its purpose it's incredible and it just occurred to me that because I crossed the th000 mile Mark that means my engine's officially broken in which means we can drive this 

 Thing hard that needs to be a future video Let's do an acceleration test of the different modes is the truck faster or slower in Eco versus sport that would be interesting if this is your first video you've watched with me I want to kind of split the difference between doing personal videos like this that are representative of the vehicles that I have in my life currently and then also going out and doing fun events or driving sports cars or driving fast cars 

 Because that's really like my passion and my goal is to be more of an automotive journalist and do reviews and cover interesting new vehicles in that way but in the meantime I've got this in the garage right now and I can just make videos about it so it's going to be kind of a split between personal things I'm doing with my own life and vehicles versus going out and doing kind of specialty events and reviews and so if that's something that's interesting to 

 You then please subscribe so that you don't miss any future videos and I'll see you next time bye I felt good there's no way I can talk while I'm doing this holy moly 

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